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Reactivation Services

Luminous Corporation is an environmentally conscious company – sustainability has vital implications in what we do every single day. Recycling and reactivation are important parts of those initiatives. In fact, we have been recycling for years by reactivating spent carbon.

Features & Benefits:

After an activated carbon’s adsorptive capacity has been exhausted, it can be returned to Luminous for thermal reactivation. With high temperature reactivation followed by off-gas treatment, the adsorbed organic compounds are destroyed and reactivated carbon can be safely and cost-effectively recycled back to facilities for continued use. A number of important steps are involved in the reactivation process:

  1. Spent activated carbon is heated in furnaces devoid of oxygen using steam as a selective oxidant.

  2. Adsorbed organics are either volatilized from the activated carbon or pyrolysed to a carbon char.

  3. Volatilized organics are destroyed in the furnace’s afterburner.

  4. Acid gases are removed by means of a chemical scrubber.

  5. The high-temperature reaction with steam serves to restore the adsorptive capacity of the activated carbon.


Through reactivation, the spent granular activated carbon can be recycled for reuse, virtually eliminating the costs and long-term liability associated with disposal.

A significant benefit of reactivation and recycling is that the CO2 footprint associated with reactivation is significantly lower than that associated with the production, supply and use of virgin activated carbon. Reactivated carbon is also an efficient, cost-effective alternative to virgin where appropriate.

Luminous Reactivation Services include the reactivation of spent granular activated carbon on a custom basis or a pool basis. Customers in the municipal drinking water, food application or industrial sectors can have their spent carbon reactivated with the resultant product being returned to them (Custom Reactivation). Alternatively, customers may put their spent carbon into a generic pool for reactivation, making this a cost-effective product alternative when getting your own material returned is not required or a cost-effective recycling option as opposed to disposal when virgin material is required.

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