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Environmental Air Treatment

Preserving the environment is an important task, and keeping air safe and clean is fundamental to protecting life. At Luminous, we offer a broad scope of solutions to help the world breathe easier by removing contaminants and odors from the air supply.

Luminous’s extensive range of activated carbons and adsorption systems for air purification and environmental air treatment are designed to meet specific customer needs in a variety of applications.


Applications typically include the removal of organic chemical contaminants from industrial air emissions, gas process streams, storage tank vents, internal work air environments, and soil remediation vents. Having the right carbon product is just one component of a complete air purification program. To ensure optimal performance of the carbon, Luminous has developed a complete line of adsorption systems, capable of treating air flows ranging from a few standard cubic feet per minute (scfm) to thousands of scfm, which can be quickly delivered and easily installed at any treatment site.

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