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What is Carbon Nanotube (CNT)?

  • It is a tube structure composed of hollow andsingle-layered carbon atoms that can be synthetically formed outside of the pureamorphous structures of the element carbon, suchas graphite diamond, which exist in nature.

  • Its existence was discovered by Sumio Ijiama in 1991. Ijiama has also developed the manufacturingprocess.

  • It is the carbon structure that excites all scientificcircles due to its mechanical, electrical, optical, and chemical properties.

  • It is the material that excites the scientificcommunity enough to allow countries to allocate a significant amount of shares of around $ 500 billion from their official budgets by 2000 to 2012 for their R&D.

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What Are The Reasons That Excite All Scientists?

  • High strength of CNT

100 times more tensile strength than ReinforcedSteel.

  • Lightness

30% lighter than aluminum.

  • High conductivity

Electrical conductivity 1000 times higher thancopper have very high thermal conductivity.

CNT Sample

Usage Areas According to Technical Specificationsa

  • More durable lighter body materials

- Ferrari CNT Carbon nanotube concept vehicle

  • Personnel and Armored Vehicle Armor systems

- Soft light personnel armor

- Exo skelton (clothing that increases staff muscle capacity)

- CNT - Metal matrix composite Tank Armor

  • Energy applications

- Soft flexible foldable battery applications Enfucell

- CNT capacitor

- Power lines cables

- Flexible unbreakable lightweight high efficiency solar panel

  • Production Technologies

- Laser ablation Technique

- Arc Discharge Technique

- Chemical Vapor Deposition Technique

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